New Video!!!
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30 Facts About Me Video
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Holiday Vlog
Holiday Vlog on Youtube!!
Check out my Holiday Vlog on Youtube!!! While you are there, leave a like, subscribe, share, and even please leave your comments! Thanks (:
OH....and Happy Holidays Lovelies!
Check out my Holiday Vlog on Youtube!!! While you are there, leave a like, subscribe, share, and even please leave your comments! Thanks (:
OH....and Happy Holidays Lovelies!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Youtube Update!!
Check out my two new videos on youtube that I created from My Trip to California! (:
LIKE and subscribe if you want to see more videos like them.
My Trip to California - Part One
My Trip to California - Part Deux
LIKE and subscribe if you want to see more videos like them.
My Trip to California - Part One
My Trip to California - Part Deux
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Tout au moi!
"Tout au moi" means "all me" in French!
Anyways, is it just me, or has school sort of captured your life and put it in a box? I have had so much homework it has been ridiculous. So, that's why I haven't done much in a while. I even have to write a 4 page paper for my English composition class. due tomorrow. :( But I am going to procrastinate for a little while....but, that doesn't mean procrastinating is good! because its bad...sadly. Okay. back on topic. Here are some fun facts about me and what I like to be doing when I am not focused on school!
First off, here is a picture of me, well...being me. I am quite the silly person. I don't know why, but I really like this picture(:
Anyways, is it just me, or has school sort of captured your life and put it in a box? I have had so much homework it has been ridiculous. So, that's why I haven't done much in a while. I even have to write a 4 page paper for my English composition class. due tomorrow. :( But I am going to procrastinate for a little while....but, that doesn't mean procrastinating is good! because its bad...sadly. Okay. back on topic. Here are some fun facts about me and what I like to be doing when I am not focused on school!
First off, here is a picture of me, well...being me. I am quite the silly person. I don't know why, but I really like this picture(:
OH! I really enjoy going to football, baseball, basketball and pretty much any sport games. for me, football is my favorite to watch live or even on the TV. honestly...I easily get the point of yelling at the TV weather Im with people or by myself.
This is a picture of my friend Julie and I at my schools first football game!!!
BSU! I work at a stand in the stadium so I get to go to all of the home football games and watch the last quarter of the game for free(:
A few weeks ago I even got to go to my FIRST baseball game! It was so much fun and I seriously can not wait until I can go to several more of the Hawks games during their next season<3
I also have been listening to music a lot more lately. Here are some of my favorites at the moment that I am constantly listening to! I recommend giving them a listen! (click on them to listen to them on youtube)
so other favorites are:
Royal by Lorde
Bruises by Train
Highway dont care by Tim McGraw
Roar by Katy Perry
Lets see....oh! I also have been on youtube a lot. Here are my favorite Youtubers! Ps: some of them have profound language.
Some other favorites to check out:
Rick Dillon
Tyler Oakley
Daily Grace
OOHHHHH you cant forget the amazing Western Idaho Fair! this year was a lot of fun! I love my friends and am so privileged to have every single one of them.
Yes, i took this myself. I think it looks like an old photo.
Okay...well... I think I am done and should probably do my homework :?
I will leave with this picture of my best friend Nicole and I when we were in Nashville!!
Stay Lovely, Ashley
Monday, August 12, 2013
JSL and McCall Idaho!!
Hey ya'll!! I have to say it has been a super crazy week! Crazy busy, insane, but i have made so many amazing memories and have had so much fun!
lets all started on Monday August 5th.
Monday through Thursday was the JSL conference for Idaho. JSL stands for Joint Student Leadership. It was pretty much a conference where all the PTSO's state officers joined togeather for a conference. there are actually 7 PTSO's. they are: FCCLA(which is the one I am in), BPA, Skills USA, FFA TSA, DECA, and HOSA. (click on the names of the organizations to go to their national website.
these organizations are simply amazing. If you are not involved in any of these, then I highly suggest that you do! Especially since I met the state officers from these organizations, I now know that they are all incredible organizations. If you have any questions about them let me know because I know for a fact that you belong in at least 1 of these organizations.! (I said organizations a lot....)
On Monday, around 5pm I arrived at this fancy hotel in Boise, Idaho. That day we had a BBQ down at Ann Morrison park. At the park all of the officers played a few games to see which group would win the gnome.
Now let me explain the gnome. The gnome is a yearly tradition at JSL. Each organization gets a chance with the gnome, and to take pictures with it. the organization with the best pictures gets to KEEP the gnome. Although, the first group to win the gnome doesn't just get to take pictures first, but also gets to name the gnome.
And of course, knowing myself and my fellow FCCLA state officers, we got to name the gnome!! we battled through a few names such as DeMarkus (the guys wanted this name..??). But after a long debate we finally ended up naming the gnome Phillip. So without further ado, meet Phillip the Gnome.
Anyways...the next few days were filled with workshops, and division meetings. the workshops were incredible. I learned so many things that I will use not just though FCCLA, but throughout my entire life. It truley was a life changing few days. I want to thank Rhett Laubach for coming all the way from Oklahoma to teach us so many great things, and for making it a super fun experience. You can follow him on twitter here:
here is a picture of the entire group at JSL:
Here are some more pictures of The Idaho FCCLA State Officer team (which I am apart of if you didn't already get that)
First Picture we sent in for the gnome contest.
I love my team. Friends forever!
First official picture with phillip (this was before he even had a name)
Train Depot for pictures!
This is me and my cousin Shelby! I am a state officer for FCCLA, and she is a state officer for HOSA!! (:
This was the packet we had for JSL
We snap chatted people a lot!!!
So here is where you will see how busy I was. JSL ended on Thursday morning. Thursday afternoon was the FCCLA board meeting which lasted until Friday morning. Everything ended at 11:30am, and at 12:00 that same day, was when my church friends were driving up to McCall for a fun cabin trip weekend thing. so, without even going home first, I went strait to the church, and left for McCall.
Now..if you have never heard of McCall or never been there...I HIGHLY suggest going. It is SO perfect there! I absolutely love it. Here are some pictures of the trip with about 11 of my closest friends<3
Roasting Marshmallows is my Green Day Packers shirt(:
Comment a giant "G" if you are a Packers fan!!!
We were telling scary stories and I was freaked out..haha. Also, hilarious story, while we were sitting around the campire, a fox ran super close to my friend Shareya. it was actually really scary because it was pitch black and we were telling scary stories.
I went Jet-Sking for the first time ever! It was so much fun!! Probably the funnest part of the entire trip(: the girl in the back, was probably one of the craziest drivers. Because of her, I got flown off of the jet ski. but...that was a lot of fun to! 40 miles per hour....yes.
Creepy Face Mask facial expression picture. hahahahaha
Playing in the water!!!
I was so excited to go out I was waving my arms around. its great because I look like im trying to balance myself..
Chillin on the beach
Ice Cream Ally...Possibly the best Ice Cream place in the worlds existance
hahah I love lauren in the back...(;
Eaitng our ice cream from Ice Cream Ally at McCall Lake
Lake Time(:
Were cool. ahah
And Im off once again!
Shannon with the marshmallow in her mouth...I cant help but laugh at this picture. It totally describes us.
No Speak, No See, No hear.
The whole group! Minus Lauren, and Katrin.
Smoky skies.
The perfect lake of McCall Idaho
Allison stole my I-pod(;
So...funny story.. I left my Phone on top of the car, and when we went back to find it, it looked like this. Its crushed and completely dead and useless. i-pod is my new phone for a few months. hahaha but thats okay, i hated that phone anyways. haha(:
The lake and Jet Ski's
View from the cabin!! <3 Breathtaking,.
Next to the lake was a volleyball court. A few guys from weiser Idaho invited myself and two other of my friends to play volleyball with them. It was so much fun, but slightly awkward because there was us three, then 20 guys.
I hope everyones summer has been going GREAT! I will post again soon!! keep checking my other blog, as I plan to post on there super soon<3
Stay Beautiful,
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Salt Lake City - Concert - Lagoon - Sun Valley!
SORRY in advance for the super long post with LOTS of words and TONS of pictures<33
here is a video of the whole trip (it is only videos this time, pictures and such are below).
On July 25th we left Boise to go to Salt Lake City, Utah! which I must say, was my very first time going to Utah. The drive there was about 5 hours long. Even though it was long we entertained ourselves a lot with music, weird sayings, and random car games.
This is my best friend Xana. (pronounced like zzz-ana) We have been best friends since 1st grade! That is around 11 years! Don't we look SO excited?
When we finally arrived in Salt Lake City, we started getting ready for the concert right away. we only had an hour and a half till the concert started. The concert was to see One Direction. We bought the tickets over a year ago! Crazy right? well, the concert was truly amazing. the background for the stage changed for every single song, and the lights were awesome. and the band, of course, was really good! they have actually great singing voices! plus they were weird...dancing and such. Anyways, there was not even one seat open in the entire place. Most of the people there were girls, and if you didn't already know...girls have loud high pitch screams. Now imagine hundreds of them screaming. Yep...I couldn't hear very well for a long time.
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SO Many People! |
One of the stage backgrounds! |
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During the concert(: |
Lagoon was amazing. I absolutly positivly love roller coasters, and crazy scary rides, so this place was perfect for me. My favorite rides were probably the colossus fire dragon (which is above) and of course, wicked. wicked.
Its a strait up and strait down 90 degree angle both ways. It was super fast and super fun! We went on this probably around 5-6 times(;
We also enjoyed going on the safari..badada, the ski lift thing, and a concert. Here are some more photos.
Were going on a safari! badada
Kinda gross..but pretty at the same time!
Safari Train! <3
Ski lift thingy. It takes you to the other side of the park
Lagoon! so pretty!!
Click here to watch an on ride video of wicked(:
so..I have a HUGE fear of falling.
This is how lagoon describes the rocket: "Guests are slowly raised to the top of the 200-foot tower in approximately 20-25 seconds, and then blasted downward". This ride was a HUGE deal for me. but i faced my fears and I loved it. haha so much thrill. Click here to see an on ride video of this ride(:
After we went on the rocket, we went on this air plane ride where you control your own plane thingy. this was mine...SWORDFISH!
so sad how the animals are on pavement and in cages..
Colossus the fire dragon!
Click here for an on ride video of colossus!
The next few days were spent in Sun Valley/Ketchum Idaho. Sun Valley is a richy richy town. So richy richy that we actually saw TWO, not one, but TWO Bugatti's outside of the Sun Valley Resort. just look at these beyond beautiful cars..
Here are some pictures from Sun Valley (town part).
Famous Outside roller skating rink, and the mountain in the background is the famous skiing hill.
Sun Valley dog, where they sell fake dogs (statues, stuffed animals etc.) not stuff for dogs.
this entertained us for a while
We found a big chair.
And these cool hut things
Sun Valley shopping area!
And now for pictures from the camping part of sun valley!
We were camping in the Sawtooth mountain range area.
We first found a random spot off the road, and it was actually pretty nice! It was about 7 miles outside of Ketchum, by the visitors center.
We were right by a river/creek.
thought this flower thingy looked interesting.
and there is our campsite. this is just 1 picture that shows exactly why I love Idaho.
Dandelions are so pretty. love them.
The next two nights were spent by prairie creek about 20 miles outside of ketchum, or 12 miles from where we last camped. It was absolutely gorgeous there. There even was a natural hot springs close by that we walked too. I have been there before with my friend Nicole so I thought I knew how to get there. I ended up walking off trail and ran right into it! I was so happy that we didn't walk around for a long time for nothing!! Anyways...our spot was super nice and peaceful. with the creek right there, we made a brige (but I fell in anyways...) And let me tell you..the water was FREEZING. but we had fun, we made mini rivers in the creek and yah. haha
Here are some pictures of the last 2 days.
Our masterpiece!
And the rest of the pictures...
view from camper door!
and this is us..haha
View of the mountains from the hot springs!!
Everywhere we went, we made sure we could cross the river.
Oh Idaho, I love you. SO perfect. I already miss it :(
Stumbled upon this while venturing into the wild forest.
This is how we do camping: Stay up till midnight or longer with a fire, and popcorn, and watch the stars.
We saw quite a lot of deer! everywhere.
If you made it this far...congratulations you won a new I-Pad!
Just didn't win an I-Pad. but that would be cool right!?
anyways..thanks for reading and looking!
this was such a fun trip and I definitely will be going to lagoon and Sun Valley whenever possible. It was all so much fun! and I definitely recommend them!
Stay Beautiful,
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