At the end of this blog I will explain how my blog is going to go from now on(: Make sure you read the last part about it!
For the past 3 days I went up to Warm Lake for our annual family reunion camp-out! It rained most of the time and was freezing but that definitely didn't ruin our time up there. From killer volleyball, fishing, a trip to landmark, intense card and marble games, to campfires, stories/riddles by the fire, and late night hiking trips all made this camp-out one big success!
Here are some pictures and stories from my memorable annual family camp-out!!
Ladies and Gentlemen...this is the wonderful Warm Lake!! Don't let the blue sky fool you...this was the most blue we ever saw the whole camp-out. Also, the lake isn't actually warm...its cold because of snow runoff and such. across the lake it look bare. the reason for this is that a few years ago there was a HUGE, and I mean HUGE fire. It was amazing that it just barley missed warm lake..and landmark! But really...just look at that view..
Here is a photo of the some of the dead trees from that HUGE fire. The forest was so green and dense before the fire. Its so very sad that so much of the beautiful forest had to suffer.

As I mentioned, Landmark Idaho was also saved from the fire. Its just down the road that the fire was at...
Landmark is a place where my mom and her family grew up. Its SO perfect there. all of the pure log cabins, fields, the creek, and the uniqueness. I took the bottom right photo in a log cabin's attic. there were all sorts of old antique vintage stuff up there. I really wish I could have that phone radio!
On the way back from Landmark we stopped by Mud Lake just past Landmark International airport. The airport is just a field. the top picture is my lovely dog Sophie who is such a great camping dog!
Found some super neat trees while hiking around the lake! The branches were going crazy.
Some more pictures from around the lake. the picture on the right is one of those things that float out in the lakes! the picture on the left....scared me...I was trying to take a cool picture of the tree above. When I got home and was looking through my pictures I noticed the bugs...didn't see them when I took the picture...crEEpy!
While hiking about I found some awesome sitting places.
Just a couple photos of the view from our camper! so perfect. I already miss the mountains, and the fresh air. Every time I go up to Cascade, Idaho or anywhere up there, I feel like I am going home.
Knowing my family, we are all competitive gamers (not video games though..).
There was a volleyball net in the group site. The first night up there we split into teams. the Cobras and the Grizzlies. I was a grizzly. We played for 4 hours strait! no breaks! also, most of the people playing were around 45-70 years old. haha. Pretty much everyone playing got bruises on there wrists...including me.
My cousins and I have a tradition of playing Egyptian rat screw! One of my cousins always other cousin and I did whatever we could..and lost 9 times. did we win any? nope.
One of my favorite things to do while camping...go fishing! I kept 5 fish and let 2 go. its insane how fast we were catching fish. I would throw the line out and literally about 15 seconds later I was reeling in a fish. They were all rainbow trout! having trout for dinner tonight!! yummm(:
Outside of warm lake and all throughout Idaho, the beauty never fails to catch my attention. If you don't live in Idaho...I feel bad for are missing all of the nature and peacefulness. If you have never gone HAVE to go sometime! really...lets become best friends and ill take you with me sometime(:
More beauty of Idaho.
The top photo is of the super moon in Cascade, Idaho.
The bottom photo is the sunset out in the wilderness! <3
Alright everyone...there is my trip to Warm Lake in Idaho!
Here is how I am going to run my blog from now on:
1. Every other week I WILL go somewhere I have NEVER been before. I definitely have Wanderlust. I want to travel..what better way to do it then starting small? I will post pictures and experiences from where I go. Even if its just a new park I have never been to.
2. I will also be posting a bunch of stuff thats vintage. I adore everything vintage. I may talk about how to make something look or be vinatage, or have pictrues of the 1900's.
3. If you have ANY suggestions of places to visit or things to post I would highly appreciate it!
Ps: I live in Boise, Idaho so it can't be across the united states(:
Thanks Y'all!!
What a fantastic idea for your blog! :D I wish I was that ambitious!!
ReplyDeletebut but but but but but but but you are ambitious!!!!!!